Welcome to the November blog. In this edition you will hear about:
December salary: The Board have authorised the salary due on Friday 28th of December to be paid on Christmas Eve. This is because of the Bank holidays on Tuesday and Wednesday 25th and 26th December. The office will be closed and we want to ensure that you receive your salary without any issues with the banks being closed.
Payroll in 2019: We are looking at a new way to process your salary more efficiently by taking the hours worked directly from Webroster, our data management system. We will be piloting this in the New Year and our payroll provider and business support team will be working with the relevant team leader. It is important that Webroster is kept up to date and that requires you to ensure that any changes to shifts are notified and recorded. There will be more information on this development to follow over the next couple of months.
Fair Deal Board: The first Board meeting following the AGM was held on Tuesday the 27th of November. At this meeting the Board elected the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Treasurer [office bearers] and agreed what sub groups they will have and who will sit in which one. The office bearers are:
Working groups for the year are:
30th Anniversary Celebrations 2019: The Board have committed funds to promote Fair Deal and our contribution to the lives of the people we are working with, their families and communities over the past 30 years. We are setting up a short term working group to plan how we celebrate this milestone in 2019. If this is something that you would be interested in joining please speak to your line manager or drop me an e-mail on annmariedocherty@fair-deal.org[1]
Ann Marie Docherty
November 2018